Rose Hinami Sakai

Textiles (MA)


Rose Hinami Sakai is a sustainably conscious, processual, multidisciplinary textile designer specialising in print and dye.
The core fundamental of her work begins with a profound passion for photography and colours. She focuses on the material outcome, emphasising sensitiveness in colours, captivating patterns, and a visual and tactile experience. She constantly pushes the boundaries of traditional techniques in dye, print, weave, and digital communications with innovative methods.
With a background in dance, her interest in body and movement leads her to create transformative interactive textiles through actions and motions.


“Why/ When do you take photos? And What is it?”

One of the essential aspects of photography is its commemorative nature. Today, photography has become significantly more attainable, which has been her vital creative process. She was particularly inspired by the tendency to capture extraordinary things she finds in daily life or fleeting moments that may never be seen again.
Taking a processual, intentional and coincidental approach, she collected film camera images that were intentionally exposed to light to get unexpected colours. She developed these into printed textiles using ever-changing colours: natural dye. She purposely created the patterns that need to be moved/ interacted with to co-create the initial film images with audiences.
Her ultimate goal is to encourage a sense of connection and interaction among the audience. She aims to soften their boundaries, spark conversations, and momentarily suspend their preoccupations. Through physical and visual interaction in a playful manner, she seeks to direct their focus on creating movement in her textiles and their bodies to make the audience an integral part of the artistic process.


Supported by the Coats Foundation Trust Award

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