Interior Design (MA)

If the early 21st century can be characterised as a time of resistance, in particular to the climate emergency, how can the built-environment and in particular the interior, respond to these ongoing challenges? RCA Interior Design MA explorations respond to a world with finite resources. New-build and single-use processes will soon become obsolete distinctions for making cities, buildings, interiors and objects. Instead, superREUSING existing cities, buildings and objects, will provide all of the superMATTER for the appropriation of the superFUTURES of our built environment.
The showcase celebrates the interior programme exploration of how processes of depredation provide the conditions for mediation, and becomes the site of the enactment of research and design processes that will ensure that meaningful interiorisation takes place.
RCA INTERIOR DESIGN consists of three superPLATFORMS;
superREUSE explores the world as a finite resource of the existing and how to redesignate it. It takes the existing as its starting point of research, mediation and new purpose.
superMATTER is a hypothesis of the intimacy of making and inhabitation. We rejoice in the immediate sensorial experience, unveil hidden narratives and unleash the potential of materials.
superFUTURES is a research-led design studio specialising in speculative spatial design and fictions. Design is our tool for speculating upon emerging transitions in humanity and society and their relationship to space – we are poised to challenge the discipline of Interiors.
Photograph credit – Gabriella Demczuk